Hello orbler community,. In our last discussion, we talked about what merge is in the game.

20 Jun 2022, 09:05
Hello orbler community, In our last discussion, we talked about what merge is in the game. Today, we are going to discuss Upgrade, which is another way to strengthen your power, Orb upgrade is an Orb enhancement method that works only in-game during the gameplay. Upgrading is not applied to individual Orbs, but to all Orbs of the same type. Regardless of the level, if the elemental type is the same, then the upgrade is applied to all the same types of Orbs. Upgrading can be done by consuming a certain amount of mana in the game. Like merge, the efficiency of Upgrade decreases as the level goes up since the cost of Mana consumed increases. In the game, you will have to decide whether you want to use mana after defeating the enemies to summon a new Orb or to upgrade an Orb. Users are tasked to make strategic decisions which will determine the course of battle. Like Merge, the upgrade takes place only within the game temporarily during the battle. It acts as a refreshing aspect to every game you play to make it non-repetitive boring game play. Please look forward to the Orbler as we are constantly working around the clock in our development! Follow us on Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium l Discord