Hello everyone,. Today we will further discuss Orbler (Dragon), the main NFT character in the game.

20 Jul 2022, 08:04
Hello everyone, Today we will further discuss Orbler (Dragon), the main NFT character in the game. We will focus on discussing the Growth of Orbler. Orbler has the same growth rate regardless of rarity or individual value in a total of 6 stages: Wyrmling, Knucker, Linnormr, Drake, Wyrm, and Dragon. All Orblers start as Wyrmling when they are minted for the first time. Increasing the level of growth is purely dependent on the choice and effort the player makes. Users can increase the growth rate by paying growth fees and incubating Orbler in the Nest for a certain period of time. Orbler shows a more powerful appearance in the game as they grow. All Orbs are affected by the Orbler in the same deck. Typically, as the growth level increases, the attack power provided to the Orb also increases. Skills will also increase with growth level. Skill will be discussed further down the road in length. While Orb is the primary factor in determining battle power since it directly attacks the enemy, it is important to remember that the main NFT character of the Orbler game is Orbler. Follow us on Website | Telegram | Twitter | Medium l Discord